
Norm Coating places great importance on customer safety and quality assurance. With our commitment to quality systems, we have earned numerous quality certificates.

To ensure customer and employee satisfaction-oriented production and service approach we prioritize the following principles:

  • Ensuring Understanding, Implementation, and Continuity: We strive to ensure that the quality management system is understood, implemented, and maintained at all levels of our affiliated companies.
  • Risk-Based Approach and Zero-Defect Philosophy: We aim to prevent errors from occurring through a risk-based approach and a zero-defect philosophy. We take necessary measures to avoid the repetition of errors and continuously improve the quality management system.
  • Meeting Customer Special Requirements: We are committed to providing complete and accurate services to our customers within the framework of their specific requirements. We strive to meet all applicable conditions and deliver full customer satisfaction.
  • Continuous Development with Suppliers: We aim to continuously improve by working together with supplier companies that share our vision of providing complete and accurate services to our customers.