
We have been working with ambition and happiness to increase employee experience in line with our human-oriented human resources philosophy. We carry out objective and fair recruitment processes and support different perspectives and diversity.

Life at Norm Coaitng

We match the right talents to the right positions with our performance evaluation and talent management system. We support all our employees’ professional, personal and social development by focusing on the importance of lifelong learning. We work to ensure qualified humanpower to the sector with Norm Vocational Training Center and support new graduates and university students in their career journeys with our DigiConnect and DigiCampus programs.

As an innovative, global company, we develop ourselves and our norms and train leaders who will shape the future with our NorMentor and ENLider Sensin programs. We ensure that our employees have a safe environment with equal rights by obtaining occupational safety and equal opportunity as a corporate culture.

We focus on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and take responsibility for creating a better world.

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Attracting Talent

  • DigiConnect
  • DigiCampus
  • Career Direction Program

We aim to attract young talents with the DigiConnect and DigiCampus programs, which we carry out with our innovative and human-oriented human resources perspective, and our Career Direction program, which strives for the correct evaluation in matching the right talent to the right positions.

Developing Talent

  • Leadership Development Program
  • NorMentor
  • Power of the Field, Power of Norm
  • Norm Vocational Training Center
  • Private İzmir Atatürk Organized Industrial Zone Nedim Uysal Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School
  • Kaizen Awards

We believe in the power of continuous development and support lifelong learning through the development programs we carry out. We establish training centers to contribute to the personal and professional life of young talents who want to work in the sector.

Managing Talent

  • Performance Management System

We work to increase the performance of our employees with our innovative human resources perspective and the performance management system we have developed. We ensure that the organization and employees move forward together with the best common goals.